Search Results

Terms used in this search: (BES) Baltimore Ecosystem Study

Displaying 1-10 of 52 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream metabolism data for core sites in Gwynns FallsReisinger, Alexander
Rosi, Emma
Neighborhood Socioeconomic and demographic changes in Baltimore's (BES) Neighborhoods: 1930 to 2010Locke, Dexter H
Seeing the light: nitrate spiraling and hydrogeomorphic characteristics of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Seeing the light: metabolic activity of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Seeing the light: high temporal frequency (5-10min resolution) measurements of dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, and depth used to estimate metabolism in restored and unrestored Baltimore streams.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Household Telephone Survey in support of Locke et al 2019 in PLoS OneLocke, Dexter H
Grove, Morgan J
Polsky, Colin
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Estimates of population in focal watersheds based on 2010 censusFork, Megan L
Locke, Dexter H
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Denitrification potential in riparian zones and streamsGroffman, Peter M
Martel, Lisa D
Nitrogen cycling, soil properties and infiltration rates along topographic gradient in residential lawns in Baltimore County, MarylandSuchy, Amanda K
Groffman, Peter M
White oak and red maple foliar chemistry of urban and reference forests of the eastern USSonti, Nancy F
Hallett, Richard A.
Griffin, Kevin L.
Sullivan, Joe H.

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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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