Search Results

Terms used in this search: (MSP) Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area LTER

Displaying 1-7 of 7 matching data packages

Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Canopy Temperature and Combined Urban Tree Index (CUTI), 2018-2021Wilkening, Jean V
Feng, Xue
Heavy metals in mammal tissue over the last 100 years and their proximity to populated places in MinnesotaSnell-Rood, Emilie
Kjaer, Savannah
Marek-Spartz, Mary
Devitz, Charlotte
Jansa, Sharon
Como and Phalen lake ChatBot water quality and recreation text survey, 2022 and 2023Small, Gaston E
Finlay, Jacques
Keeler, Bonnie
St. Paul public park canopy throughfall and foliage chemistry, 2022 and 2023Rose, Lucy A
Karwan, Diana L
Feng, Xue
Chen, Xiating
Breeden, Faith
Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Metro Area bee lawn assessments and bumble bee survey, 2023Lerman, Susannah B.
Kay, Adam D.
Watkins, Eric
Schwab, Ryan
Christensen, Dominic
Boyle, Paige
Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area Lakes Water Quality CharacteristicsPolik, Catherine A
Finlay, Jacques
Small, Gaston
Neumiller, Grace
Analysis of the planning process for a new park in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Upper Harbor Terminal site with planners and community members focusing on redevelopment that addresses green gentrification concerns, 2019 to 2021Ramer, Hannah
Walker, Rebecca
Derickson, Kate
Keeler, Bonnie

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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