Title ▵▿ |
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Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
North Temperate Lakes LTER Meteorological Data - Woodruff Airport 1989 - current. CUAHSI ODM format | Magnusen, John Carpenter, Stephen Stanley, Emily
| 2019 | knb-lter-ntl.370.3 |
Cascade project at North Temperate Lakes LTER - High Frequency Data for Whole Lake Nutrient Additions 2013-2015 | Pace, Mike Cole, Jon Carpenter, Stephen
| 2019 | knb-lter-ntl.371.1 |
Cascade project at North Temperate Lakes LTER - Daily Chlorophyll Data for Whole Lake Nutrient Additions 2013-2015 | Pace, Mike Cole, Jon Carpenter, Stephen
| 2019 | knb-lter-ntl.372.1 |
Production, biomass, and yield estimates for walleye populations in the Ceded Territory of Wisconsin from 1990-2017 | Embke, Holly Rypel, Andrew Carpenter, Stephen Sass, Greg Cichosz, Thomas Hennessy, Joseph Vander Zanden, Jake
| 2019 | knb-lter-ntl.373.1 |
Cascade project at North Temperate Lakes LTER - Daily data for key variables in whole lake experiments on early warnings of critical transitions, Paul and Peter Lakes, 2008-2011 | Carpenter, Stephen Pace, Mike Cole, Jon Kitchell, Jim Hodgson, James
| 2019 | knb-lter-ntl.374.1 |
Application of eDNA as a tool for assessing fish population abundance, Northern
Wisconsin, US, 2017 - 2018 | Spear, Michael J Embke, Holly S Krysan, Patrick J Vander Zanden, Jake M
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.383.1 |
WSC - The Influence of Legacy P on Lake Water Quality | Motew, Melissa Carpenter, Stephen Kucharik, Christopher Booth, Eric
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.384.1 |
Urban Residential Surface and Subsurface Hydrology: Synergistic Effects of Low-Impact
Features at the Parcel Scale | Voter, Carolyn Loheide, Steven P.
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.385.1 |
Madison community-science field campaign to assess abundance and distribution of invasive jumping worms. | Ziter, Carly D Herrick, Bradley M Johnston, Marie R Turner, Monica G
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.387.1 |
Lake thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years | Ladwig, Robert Hanson, Paul C Dugan, Hilary A Carey, Cayelan C Zhang, Yu Shu, Lele Duffy, Christopher Cobourn, Kelly M
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.389.1 |