Search Results

Terms used in this search: (PIE) Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Displaying 1-10 of 149 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Rates of benthic metabolism and nutrient cycling in the Parker and Rowley Rivers of the Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts, PIE LTER.Giblin, Anne
Hopkinson, Charles
PIE LTER water-column nutrient and particulate transects along the Parker River Estuary, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2017.Hopkinson, Charles
Weston, Nathaniel
Monthly mean sea level data (1921-2018) relative to NAVD88 for Boston, Massachusetts, NOAA/NOSGiblin, Anne
Birds observed in newly hayed and adjacent reference salt marsh sites in Rowley, MA, August through September 2000 and August 2001, PIE LTER.Buchsbaum, Robert
End of growing season percent cover and biomass data for hayed vs reference sites, Rowley, MA, PIE LTERBuchsbaum, Robert
PIE LTER study of marsh vegetation percent cover and biomass at the end of the growing season at Greenwood Creek, Ipswich, MA effluent enrichment and Clubhead Creek, Rowley, MA reference sitesBuchsbaum, Robert
PIE LTER study of marsh vegetation percent cover at Greenwood Creek, Ipswich, MA effluent enrichment and Clubhead Creek, Rowley, MA reference sitesBuchsbaum, Robert
Presence or absence of marsh plant species along transects through a nutrient enriched marsh receiving wastewater effluent and a reference (unenriched) marsh, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER.Buchsbaum, Robert
Aboveground biomass at control and fertilized plots in a Spartina alterniflora-dominated marsh, Rowley River, Plum Island Ecosystem LTER, MA.Morris, Jim
Sundberg, Karen
Stables isotopes of organisms along a transect from the Greenwood Creek outfall pipe to the Ipswich River, Ipswich, MA, Plum Island Ecosystems LTERDeegan, Linda

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