Title ▵▿ |
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Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
SBC LTER: Kelp Removal Experiment: Hourly photon irradiance at the surface and seafloor | Reed, Daniel C
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.36.17 |
SBC LTER: Reef: Macroalgal photosynthetic parameters | Harrer, Shannon Reed, Daniel C Miller, Robert J
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.57.13 |
SBC LTER: Reef: Long-term experiment: biomass of kelp forest species, ongoing since 2008 | Reed, Daniel C
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.119.5 |
SBC LTER: Reef: Coefficients for estimating biomass from body size or percent cover for kelp forest species | Nelson, J Clint Reed, Daniel C Harrer, Shannon Miller, Robert J
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.127.4 |
SBC LTER: Comparison between spherical and planar light sensors | Reed, Daniel C
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.128.4 |
SBC LTER: REEF: Data to support "Niche Complementarity and Resistance to Grazing Promote the Invasion Success of Sargassum horneri in North America" | Marks, Lindsay M Reed, Daniel C Holbrook, Sally J
| 2020 | knb-lter-sbc.129.2 |
SBC LTER: Beach: Data to support "Contribution of macroalgal wrack consumers to dissolved inorganic nitrogen
concentrations in intertidal pore waters of sandy beaches" | Lowman, Heili Emery, Katherine Kubler-Dudgeon, Lila Dugan, Jenifer E Melack, John M
| 2020 | knb-lter-sbc.130.1 |
Giant Kelp Microbiome Altered in the Presence of Epiphytes | James, Anna Nidzieko, Nick Carlson, Craig A Wilbanks, Lizzy
| 2020 | knb-lter-sbc.132.1 |
Cover of grassland species at Jasper Ridge, CA, ongoing since 1983 | Hobbs, R J Hallet, Lauren M
| 2019 | knb-lter-sbc.99999.0 |
Plumes and Blooms: Curated oceanographic and phytoplankton pigment | Catlett, Dylan Siegel, David A Guillocheau, Nathalie
| 2020 | knb-lter-sbc.134.1 |