Search Results

Terms used in this search: atmospheric processes

Displaying 1-7 of 7 matching data packages

Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
NADP/NTN precipitation chemistry dataRamirez, Alonso
Experimentally manipulated biota over a 30-40d period in two streams with distinctly different macrobiotic assemblagesPringle, Catherine
Chemistry of rainfall and throughfall from El Verde and BisleyMcDowell, William H.
Locally verified evaporation data from a NOAA evaporation pan at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1953-1979Ares, Fred
National Weather Service
Thatcher, David
Anderson, John
Havstad, Kris
Locally verified monthly summary temperature and precipitation data from a NOAA weather station at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1914-1998Wooton, Elmer
National Weather Service
Thatcher, David
Anderson, John
Havstad, Kris
Locally verified daily temperature and precipitation data from a NOAA weather station at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1914-2006Wooton, Elmer
National Weather Service
Thatcher, David
Anderson, John
Havstad, Kris
Mass and energy fluxes from the US-Jo2 AmeriFlux eddy covariance tower in Tromble Weir experimental watershed at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 2010-ongoingVivoni, Enrique R.
Perez-Ruiz, Eli R.
Schreiner-McGraw, Adam P.
Templeton, Ryan C.
Anderson, Cody A.

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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