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Shorelines and island boundaries for the Atlantic barrier islands of Virginia, 1851-2017 | Robbins, Mahinaokalani G Hein, Christopher J
| 2022 | knb-lter-vcr.330.1 |
Surveys of coastal foredune topography and vegetation abundance, U.S. North Carolina
Outer Banks, 2016-2018 | Jay, Katya R Hacker, Sally D Hovenga, Paige A Moore, Laura J Ruggiero, Peter Itzkin, Michael Mostow, Rebecca Wood, Jeff Mullins, Elsemarie Reeves, Ian Cohn, Nicholas Hagen, Cedric J Goldstein, Evan B Magel, Caitlin L
| 2022 | edi.1176.1 |
Dune Biomass on Hog Island, Virginia Coastal Barrier Islands, 1993-2012 | Day, Frank
| 2012 | knb-lter-vcr.70.24 |
Near-shore bathymetry for Elson Lagoon and Chukchi Sea, Barrow Region, northern Alaska | Tweedie, Craig E Escarzaga, Stephen M Manley, William F Tarin, Gabriela Gaylord, Allison
| 2021 | knb-lter-ble.22.2 |
Effects of mangrove encroachment on tidal wetland plants and epifauna: 2012-2020 | Armitage, Anna R Weaver, Carolyn A Whitt, Ashley A Pennings, Steven C
| 2021 | edi.417.2 |
Effects of mangrove encroachment on tidal wetland plants and epifauna: 2012-2020 | Armitage, Anna R Weaver, Carolyn A Whitt, Ashley A Pennings, Steven C
| 2021 | edi.425.5 |