Search Results

Terms used in this search: beaches

Displaying 1-10 of 10 matching data packages

Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mean positions on spring and neap tidesEmery, Kyle
Kramer, Valerie
Schooler, Nicholas K
Michaud, Kristen
Madden, Jessica
Hubbard, David M
Miller, Robert J
Dugan, Jenifer E
SBC LTER: Beach: Local and regional kelp wrack inputs to sandy beachesEmery, Kyle A
Dugan, Jenifer E
Miller, Robert J
SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mesocosm and pitfall trapping for surface activity on spring and neap tidesEmery, Kyle
Kramer, Valerie
Schooler, Nicholas K
Michaud, Kristen
Madden, Jessica
Hubbard, David M
Miller, Robert J
Dugan, Jenifer E
SBC LTER: Beach: Data to support "Contribution of macroalgal wrack consumers to dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations in intertidal pore waters of sandy beaches"Lowman, Heili
Emery, Katherine
Kubler-Dudgeon, Lila
Dugan, Jenifer E
Melack, John M
SBC LTER: Beach: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning - sandy beach detritivore kelp consumption ratesEmery, Kyle
Dugan, Jenifer E
Miller, Robert J
Bailey, Rosemary
PFAS, Coliform, and E. coli Data from Freshwater Canals, Brackish Water in Biscayne Bay, and Ocean Salt Water from Miami Beaches, Florida, USA, July 2023Yoham, Gary
Soares Quinete, Natalia
Heath, Courtney
Potential cyanotoxin exposure while recreating during cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, and possible exposure mitigation.Beale, Cole F
Wei, Bofan
Boyer, Greg L
Wigdahl-Perry, Courtney R
Yokota, Kiyoko
Biodiversity and metacommunity structure of rocky intertidal invertebrates in some coastal ecosystems in Puerto RicoBloch, Christopher P.
SBC LTER: BEACH: Invertebrate community structure and ecosystem functions of 24 sandy beach sitesEmery, Kyle
Dugan, Jenifer E
Miller, Robert J
Estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates in individual marine and estuarine animalsWhite, Mack
Kui, Li
Chen, Angel
Strickland, Bradley
Peters, Joey
Grier, Shalanda
Capone, Dante
Cawley, Grace
Emery, Kyle A
Enright, Lauren N
Stajner, Anya
Caselle, Jennifer
Hopcroft, Russell
Rehage, Jennifer
Burkepile, Deron
Lyon, Nicholas

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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