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SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mean positions on spring and neap tides | Emery, Kyle Kramer, Valerie Schooler, Nicholas K Michaud, Kristen Madden, Jessica Hubbard, David M Miller, Robert J Dugan, Jenifer E
| 2021 | knb-lter-sbc.147.2 |
SBC LTER: Beach: Local and regional kelp wrack inputs to sandy beaches | Emery, Kyle A Dugan, Jenifer E Miller, Robert J
| 2024 | knb-lter-sbc.185.1 |
SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mesocosm and pitfall trapping for surface activity on spring and neap tides | Emery, Kyle Kramer, Valerie Schooler, Nicholas K Michaud, Kristen Madden, Jessica Hubbard, David M Miller, Robert J Dugan, Jenifer E
| 2021 | knb-lter-sbc.146.2 |
SBC LTER: Beach: Data to support "Contribution of macroalgal wrack consumers to dissolved inorganic nitrogen
concentrations in intertidal pore waters of sandy beaches" | Lowman, Heili Emery, Katherine Kubler-Dudgeon, Lila Dugan, Jenifer E Melack, John M
| 2020 | knb-lter-sbc.130.1 |
SBC LTER: Beach: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning - sandy beach detritivore kelp consumption rates | Emery, Kyle Dugan, Jenifer E Miller, Robert J Bailey, Rosemary
| 2021 | knb-lter-sbc.143.2 |
PFAS, Coliform, and E. coli Data from Freshwater Canals, Brackish Water in Biscayne Bay, and Ocean Salt Water from Miami Beaches, Florida, USA, July 2023 | Yoham, Gary Soares Quinete, Natalia Heath, Courtney
| 2024 | knb-lter-fce.1275.3 |
Potential cyanotoxin exposure while recreating during cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms, and possible exposure mitigation. | Beale, Cole F Wei, Bofan Boyer, Greg L Wigdahl-Perry, Courtney R Yokota, Kiyoko
| 2024 | edi.1589.1 |
Biodiversity and metacommunity structure of rocky intertidal invertebrates in some coastal ecosystems in Puerto Rico | Bloch, Christopher P.
| 2015 | knb-lter-luq.188.87 |
SBC LTER: BEACH: Invertebrate community structure and ecosystem functions of 24 sandy beach sites | Emery, Kyle Dugan, Jenifer E Miller, Robert J
| 2023 | knb-lter-sbc.163.1 |
Estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates in individual marine and estuarine animals | White, Mack Kui, Li Chen, Angel Strickland, Bradley Peters, Joey Grier, Shalanda Capone, Dante Cawley, Grace Emery, Kyle A Enright, Lauren N Stajner, Anya Caselle, Jennifer Hopcroft, Russell Rehage, Jennifer Burkepile, Deron Lyon, Nicholas
| 2024 | knb-lter-sbc.172.8 |