Title ▵▿ |
Creators ▵▿ |
Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Land-cover mapping of the central Arizona region based on 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery and supporting data | Zhang, Yujia Turner II, Billie
| 2020 | knb-lter-cap.685.1 |
Electrification Model Inputs for Carbon Free Housing and Dining at UCSB | Andersen
| 2023 | edi.1419.1 |
Urban heat island conditions experienced by the Western black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus): extreme heat slows development but results in behavioral accommodations | Johnson, J Stevens, Dale Moen, Claire Urcuyo, Javier
| 2019 | knb-lter-cap.666.2 |
Lovebirds perch in building vents to cool down during hot times of year, a study of rosy-cheeked lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) in the Phoenix, Arizona, USA metropolitan area (2018-2019) | McGraw, Kevin
| 2021 | knb-lter-cap.690.1 |
Bird surveys in French Broad River Basin, North Carolina, 2014 | Pearson, Scott M. Graves, Rose A.
| 2021 | edi.523.7 |
Land use and land cover (LULC) classification of the CAP LTER study area (central Arizona, USA) using Landsat imagery: 2015 and 2020 | Sabu, Sandeep Frazier, Amy Rashid, Barira
| 2023 | knb-lter-cap.704.2 |
Wildflower survey data from French Broad River Basin, North Carolina, 2014 | Graves, Rose A. Pearson, Scott M.
| 2021 | edi.539.2 |
MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Gump Station Meteorological Data, ongoing since 2006 | Washburn, Libe Brooks, Andrew
| 2024 | knb-lter-mcr.9.52 |
MCR LTER: Coral Reef: A 2018 land cover map of Moorea, French Polynesia | John, Christian Neumann, Kyle Maritorena, Stéphane Burkepile, Deron
| 2024 | knb-lter-mcr.6005.3 |
Meteorological data from El Verde Field Station: NADP Tower | Zimmerman, Jess
| 2018 | knb-lter-luq.127.1676186 |