Search Results

Terms used in this search: carbon dioxide

Displaying 1-10 of 142 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Time series of methane and carbon dioxide diffusive fluxes using an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (UGGA) for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2018-2022Carey, Cayelan C.
Lewis, Abigail S. L.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Time series of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes measured with eddy covariance for Falling Creek Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2020-2022Carey, Cayelan C.
Hounshell, Alexandria G.
D'Acunha, Brenda M.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Thomas, R. Quinn
Johnson, Mark S.
Time series of dissolved methane and carbon dioxide concentrations for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2016-2018Carey, Cayelan C.
McClure, Ryan P.
Niederlehner, Barbara R.
Lofton, Mary E.
Hounshell, Alexandria G.
Time series of methane and carbon dioxide diffusive fluxes using an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (UGGA) for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2018–2022Carey, Cayelan C.
Lewis, Abigail S. L.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Time series of methane and carbon dioxide diffusive fluxes using an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (UGGA) for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2018–2021Carey, Cayelan C.
Lewis, Abigail S. L.
Hounshell, Alexandria G.
McClure, Ryan P.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Time series of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes measured with eddy covariance for Falling Creek Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2020-2024Carey, Cayelan C.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Johnson, Mark S.
Time series of dissolved methane and carbon dioxide concentrations for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2015-2019Carey, Cayelan C.
McClure, Ryan P.
Niederlehner, Barbara R.
Lofton, Mary E.
Hounshell, Alexandria G.
Time series of methane and carbon dioxide diffusive fluxes using an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer (UGGA) for Falling Creek Reservoir and Beaverdam Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA during 2018-2024Carey, Cayelan C.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Lewis, Abigail S. L.
GLEON DC-FLUX Lake Mendota floating chamber carbon dioxide flux, 2017 - 2018Desai, Ankur R
2018-2020 Laboratory measurements of inorganic carbon accompanied by sensor data measurements of in situ inorganic carbon from the Upper Clark Fork River (Montana, USA)Young, Fischer L
Shangguan, Qipei
Beatty, Cory M
Gilsdorf, Makenzy D
DeGrandpre, Michael D

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