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Chloride Concentrations, Conductivity, and Water Temperature Data from Upper Yahara
River Watershed Tributaries in Dane County, WI: December 2019 – April 2021 | Rock, Linnea A Dugan, Hilary A
| 2021 | knb-lter-ntl.206.1 |
Chloride Concentrations, Conductivity, and Water Temperature Data from Lake Mendota and Lake Monona Madison, WI: December 2019 – April 2021 | Rock, Linnea A Dugan, Hilary A
| 2021 | knb-lter-ntl.403.2 |
Physiochemical water column parameters and hydrographic time series from river, lagoon, and open ocean sites along the Alaska Beaufort Sea coast, 2018-ongoing | Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems LTER, Core Program
| 2024 | knb-lter-ble.3.13 |
HOBO Logger Actual Conductivity and Temperature Data from Starkweather Creek,
Madison, WI: December 2019 – December 2020 | Rock, Linnea A. Dugan, Hilary A.
| 2021 | edi.90005.1 |
PIE LTER, Year 2019, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts | Weston, Nathaniel
| 2021 | knb-lter-pie.561.1 |
PIE LTER Year 2017, 15 minute measurements of conductivity, water temperature at the Parker River head of tide, Central St. Dam in Newbury, MA. | Wollheim, Wilfred Green, Mark
| 2019 | knb-lter-pie.507.1 |
PIE LTER Year 2018, 15 minute measurements of conductivity, water temperature at the Parker River head of tide, Central St. Dam in Newbury, MA. | Wollheim, Wilfred Green, Mark
| 2019 | knb-lter-pie.508.1 |
PIE LTER, Year 2020, 15 minute interval, water quality measurements of water column temperature, salinity, oxygen, and depth near the mouth of Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts | Weston, Nathaniel
| 2021 | knb-lter-pie.571.1 |
PIE LTER Year 2016, 15 minute measurements of conductivity, water temperature at the Parker River head of tide, Central St. Dam in Newbury, MA. | Wollheim, Wilfred Green, Mark
| 2019 | knb-lter-pie.506.1 |
PIE LTER Year 2016, 15 minute measurements of conductivity, water temperature at the Ipswich River head of tide, Sylvania Dam in Ipswich, MA. | Wollheim, Wilfred Green, Mark
| 2019 | knb-lter-pie.513.1 |