Title ▵▿ |
Creators ▵▿ |
Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Annual Point Count Breeding Bird Survey at Pepperwood Preserve in the California Coast Ranges 2007-2009 | Whipple, Ashley L
| 2020 | edi.45.1 |
Annual Point Count Breeding Bird Survey at Pepperwood Preserve in the California Coast Ranges 2007-2019 | Whipple, Ashley L
| 2020 | edi.2.1 |
Annual Point Count Breeding Bird Survey at Pepperwood Preserve in the California Coast Ranges 2007-2019 | Halbur, Michelle M Comendant, Tosha L Barden, Nicole Whipple, Ashley L Micheli, Elisabeth
| 2020 | edi.49.5 |
Bisley daily rainfall (Bisley weekly environmental data) | Gonzalez, Grizelle
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.29.115 |
Sabana pasture permanent plot vegetation sampling | Myster, Randall W.
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.97.2801047 |
Lotic Intersite Nitrogen eXperiment I (LINX1): Stream nitrogen (N) dynamics in streams on the eastern side of Puerto Rico | McDowell, William H.
| 2012 | knb-lter-luq.176.64 |
Leaf Litter Decomposition Experiment in QPA and QPB – Insects - 2019 | Kelly, Max Leon, Miguel C
| 2022 | knb-lter-luq.229.1 |
Data and code from "No evidence of sex ratio manipulation by black-throated blue warblers in response to food availability" Kaiser et al. 2023 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | Kaiser, Sara A Grabenstein, Kathryn C Sillett, T Scott Webster, Michael S
| 2023 | knb-lter-hbr.386.2 |
Long Term Aquatic Monitoring (LTAM) Pebble Count, 2006-2017 | Reichenbach, Amy
| 2024 | cos-spu.108.5 |
Tree-ring measurements from permanent plot in old-growth hemlock-hardwood forest, Huron Mts., MI | Woods, Kerry D
| 2024 | edi.1827.1 |