Search Results

Terms used in this search: hydrologic processes

Displaying 1-10 of 23 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Coweeta hillslope soil model 15NO3 and 2H2O tracer experiment 2017Lee, Raymond M
Strahm, Brian D
McGuire, Kevin J
Knoepp, Jennifer D
Daily streamflow (Bisley area, 5 stations: Q1, Q2, Q3, Sabana, Puente Roto)Gonzalez, Grizelle
Prieta streams- Discharge and water levelRamirez, Alonso
Water budget components and forest structure in burned and unburned longleaf pine stands, the Jones Center at Ichauway, Southwest Georgia, USA, 2015 - 2021Stuber, O. Stribling
Brantley, Steven T.
Taylor, R. Scott
Holder, Dakota
Evaporation pan data from the Jornada Basin LTER weather station, 1983-ongoingWhitford, Walter
Anderson, John
Streamflow and rain event data from the Tromble experimental watershed weir in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico USA, during 2 periods: 1977-1985 and 2003-2011Turnbull, Laura
Parsons, Anthony J
Wainwright, John
Anderson, John P
Tromble, John M
Soil volumetric water content data from fifteen locations, 3 depths at each location, within the Tromble Weir experimental watershed at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 2010-ongoingVivoni, Enrique
Perez-Ruiz, Eli
Schreiner-McGraw, Adam
Keller, Zachary
Templeton, Ryan
Anderson, Cody
Precipitation data from four locations within the Tromble Weir experimental watershed, located at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 2010-ongoingVivoni, Enrique
Perez-Ruiz, Eli
Schreiner-McGraw, Adam
Keller, Zachary
Templeton, Ryan
Anderson, Cody
Bedload data (deposition from overland flow) measured at the three Conmod Pilot study locations at Jornada Basin LTER, 2008-2010Herrick, Jeff
Peters, Debra
Okin, Gregory S
Locally verified evaporation data from a NOAA evaporation pan at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1953-1979Ares, Fred
National Weather Service
Thatcher, David
Anderson, John
Havstad, Kris

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