Title ▵▿ |
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Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Bisley Watershed 3 and Quebrada Prieta Algae Monitoring | Pringle, Catherine
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.136.313394 |
Effects of a tropical stream poisoning: do they reflect effects of small-scale experiments? | Pringle, Catherine
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.149.69 |
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Soil Acid-Base Properties and Microbial Activity, Watershed 1 and West of Watershed 6 (2015-2016) | Marinos, Richard E Bernhardt, Emily
| 2023 | knb-lter-hbr.387.3 |
Water samples collected for dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrient analysis during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 15 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER. | Weston, Nathaniel
| 2020 | knb-lter-pie.519.3 |
Lotic Intersite Nitrogen eXperiment I (LINX1): Stream nitrogen (N) dynamics in streams on the eastern side of Puerto Rico | McDowell, William H.
| 2012 | knb-lter-luq.176.64 |
Water Quality Data from Bethel and Stephens Lakes, Columbia, Missouri 2017-2019 | Kinzinger, Emily C North, Rebecca L.
| 2021 | edi.836.1 |
Lake thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years | Ladwig, Robert Hanson, Paul C Dugan, Hilary A Carey, Cayelan C Zhang, Yu Shu, Lele Duffy, Christopher Cobourn, Kelly M
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.389.1 |
Missouri Lakes and Reservoirs Long-term Limnological Dataset | Jones, John R Argerich, Alba North, Rebecca L
| 2020 | edi.19.2 |
SBC LTER: Daily averages of modeled significant wave height (Hs) and peak wave period (Tp) in the Santa Barbara Coastal area from the Coastal Data Information Program - Monitoring and Prediction System (CDIP MOP) | Bell, Tom W
| 2021 | knb-lter-sbc.35.8 |
Missouri Lakes and Reservoirs Long-term Limnological Dataset, 1976-2018. | Jones, John R Argerich, Alba Obrecht, Daniel V Thorpe, Anthony P North, Rebecca L
| 2024 | edi.520.6 |