Search Results

Terms used in this search: nitrogen flux

Displaying 1-4 of 4 matching data packages

Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Coweeta hillslope soil model 15NO3 and 2H2O tracer experiment 2017Lee, Raymond M
Strahm, Brian D
McGuire, Kevin J
Knoepp, Jennifer D
Sediment trap time series data for Beaverdam Reservoir and Falling Creek Reservoir in southwestern Virginia, USA 2018 through 2022Schreiber, Madeline E.
Wood, Cecelia E.
Lewis, Abigail S. L.
Hammond, Nicholas W.
Krueger, Kathryn M.
Lofton, Mary E.
McClure, Ryan P.
Munger, Zackary W.
Breef-Pilz, Adrienne
Ward, Nicole K.
Gerling, Alexandra B.
Niederlehner, Barbara R.
Hounshell, Alexandria G.
Verne, Mary F.
Carey, Cayelan C.
Evaluation of stormwater urban ecological infrastructure in Phoenix, Arizona (USA): a case study of a small-scale bioretention basin systemTarr, Kayla
Nitrous Oxide Emissions Respond Differently to Mineral and Organic Nitrogen Sources in Contrasting Soil TypesChantigny, Martin H.
Pelster, David E.
Rochette, Philippe
Angers, Denis A.
Rieux, Christine
Vanasse, Anne
Tremblay, Johanne
Levesque, Gabriel
Bertrand, Normand
Bissonnette, Nicole
Roy, Amelie

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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