Search Results

Terms used in this search: nitrogen-15

Displaying 1-10 of 1373 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Vascular Root Biomass and N Concentrations at Two Depths in an Alberta Peatland Subjected to Increasing Nitrogen Deposition, 2014-2015Wieder, R Kelman
Vitt, Dale H
Vile, Melanie A
Graham, Jeremy A
Hartsock, Jeremy A
Fillingim, Hope
House, Melissa
Quinn, James C
Scott, Kimberli D
Petix, Meaghan
McMillen, Kelly J
SBC LTER: Reef: Surge uptake capability in Macrocystis pyrifera in response to pulses of three different forms of nitrogenCedeno, Tiffany
Brzezinski, Mark Allen
Miller, Robert J
Reed, Daniel C
Vascular Root Biomass and Production at Two Depths in an Alberta Poor Fen Subjected to Increasing Nitrogen Deposition, 2014-2015Wieder, R Kelman
Vitt, Dale H
Vile, Melanie A
Graham, Jeremy A
Hartsock, Jeremy A
Popma, Jacqueline M.A.
Fillingim, Hope
House, Melissa
Quinn, James C
Scott, Kimberli D
Petix, Meaghan
McMillen, Kelly J
Stream Storm Sample Data from White Clay Creek (WCC) Watershed in 2021Bacmeister, Eva M.S.
Peipoch, Marc
Bernasconi, Stephanie K.
Kan, Jinjun
Nitrogen mineralization potential in soils collected from the Jornada Basin LTER-I transect and extracted at incubation time 0, 1989Whitford, Walter G
Nitrogen mineralization potential in soils collected from the Jornada Basin LTER-I transect and extracted at field collection time, 1989Whitford, Walter G
Surface soil nitrogen analyses under mesquite bush canopies and interspaces at the Jornada Basin LTER, 1986Silva, Solange
Whitford, Walt
Virginia, Ross
Grassland and mesquite shrubland soil nitrogen mineralization potential from leaching soil incubations at the Jornada Basin LTER, 1986Whitford, Walt
Fisher, Fred
Sphagnum and Vascular Plant Decomposition under Increasing Nitrogen AdditionsWieder, Kelman R
Vitt, Dale H
Vile, Melanie A
Graham, Jeremy A
Hartsock, Jeremy A
Fillingim, Hope
House, Melissa
Quinn, James C
Scott, Kimberli D
Petix, Meaghan
McMillen, Kelly J
Florida Bay Stable Isotope Data Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, September 2000 - ongoingFourqurean, James

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