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Terms used in this search: physical processes

Displaying 1-10 of 13 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Daily streamflow (Bisley area, 5 stations: Q1, Q2, Q3, Sabana, Puente Roto)Gonzalez, Grizelle
NADP/NTN precipitation chemistry dataRamirez, Alonso
Lagrangian Water Age trajectories initiated from the coastal 500m isobath and derived from surface velocities obtained from satellite observationsChabert, Pierre
d'Ovidio, Francesco
Echevin, Vincent
Stukel, Michael
Ohman, Mark
Prieta streams- Discharge and water levelRamirez, Alonso
Enclosure/exclosure experiments in a montane Puerto Rican stream examining direct and indirect effects of two dominant taxa of atyid (Atyidae) shrimp, Atya lanipes Holthius and Xiphocaris elongata Guerin-Meneville (Shrimp/ Algae/ Oecologia (1993))Pringle, Catherine
Geospatial landform and geological parent material data for the Jornada Basin region in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. From Monger et al. 2006 book chapter (provisional)Monger, H. Curtis
Mack, Greg H
Nolen, Barbara
Gile, Leland H
Historic soil maps for the Jornada Basin and Doña Ana county in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. derived from surveys in 1918, 1963, and 1980. From Monger 2006 book chapter (provisional)Monger, H. Curtis
Experimentally manipulated biota over a 30-40d period in two streams with distinctly different macrobiotic assemblagesPringle, Catherine
Chemistry of rainfall and throughfall from El Verde and BisleyMcDowell, William H.
Circulation dynamics: currents, waves, temperature measurements from moorings in lagoon sites along the Alaska Beaufort Sea coast, 2018-ongoingKasper, Jeremy L

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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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