Search Results

Terms used in this search: plant growth

Displaying 1-10 of 73 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Population persistence, phenotypic divergence and metabolic adaptation in yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) along a climate gradient, CA, 1920 to 2023Losapio, Gianalberto
C allocation to the fungus is not a cost to the plant in ectomycorrhizae (a meta-analysis)Correa, A.
Gurevitch, Jessica
Martins?Loucao, M. A.
Cruz, C.
Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) plant seedling measurementsZimmerman, Jess
Pitcher plant herbivory experimental data at the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI 2024-2025Martin-Eberhardt, Sylvie A
Weber, Marjorie G
Gilbert, Kadeem G
Revegetation of landslides, vegetation <0.1m (Small landslide plots at the Luquillo Experimental Forest)Walker, Lawrence R.
Regeneration after Hurricane Hugo, woody species > 10 cm tall (9Ha grid, El Verde) (9Ha Plots Small Data Set)Brokaw, Nicholas
Regeneration after Hurricane Hugo woody species more than 1m tall (9ha grid, El Verde) (Large 9Ha Grid)Walker, Lawrence R.
Genome size influences plant growth and biodiversity responses to nutrient fertilization in diverse grassland communitiesMorton, Joseph A
Hersch-Green, Erika
Leitch, Ilia J
Leitch, Andrew R
Arnillas, Carlos A
Biedermann, L
Borer, Elizabeth T
Brudvig, Lars A
Buckley, Yvonne M
Cadotte, Marc
Davies, Kendi
Donohue, Ian
Anne, Ebeling
Eisenhauer, Nico
Estrada, Catalina
Haider, Sylvia
Hautier, Yann
Jentsch, Anke
Martinson, Holly
Rebecca, McCulley
Raynaud, Xavier
Roscher, Christian
Seabloom, Eric
Stevens, Carly J
Vesela, Katerina
Wallace, Alison
Data and code from: A mixture of grass-legume cover crop species may ameliorate water stress in a changing climate, a greenhouse experiment at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, USA, 2021.Truong, Nhu Quynh
York, Larry M.
Decker, Allyssa
Douglas, Margaret R.
Eight Mile Lake Research Watershed, Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR): Compiled Half-Hourly Dataset, 2009-2021Rodenhizer, Heidi G
Mauritz, Marguerite
Taylor, Meghan
Ledman, Justin
Natali, Susan
Schuur, Edward

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