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Terms used in this search: plant species

Displaying 1-10 of 234 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Faville Prairie State Natural Area Plant Community StudyHerrick, Bradley M
Zedler, Paul H
PIE LTER plant species percent cover in quadrats along vegetation transects at the Argilla Rd. salt marsh restoration site (Ipswich) and Rough Meadows reference marsh (Rowley – Stackyard Road area), Massachusetts.Buchsbaum, Robert
Catena, John
Hutchins, Eric
SEV-LTER quadrat plant species biomass all sites and experimentsBaur, Lauren
Collins, Scott
Muldavin, Esteban
Rudgers, Jennifer A
Pockman, William T.
Sevilleta plant phenology predicts stability of primary production from 2002 to 2020.Hallmark, Alesia J
PVC02 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza PrairieHartnett, David
Collins, Scott
Ratajczak, Zak
Percent cover of vegetation measured by the line-intercept method at multiple locations on long-term ecosystem transects (including nitrogen fertilization treatments) at Jornada Basin LTER, 1982-2014Cunningham, Gary
PIE LTER plant species presence along vegetation transects at the Argilla Rd. salt marsh restoration site (Ipswich) and Rough Meadows reference marsh (Rowley – Stackyard Road area), Massachusetts.Buchsbaum, Robert
Catena, John
Hutchins, Eric
Presence or absence of marsh plant species along transects through a nutrient enriched marsh receiving wastewater effluent and a reference (unenriched) marsh, Plum Island Ecosystems LTER.Buchsbaum, Robert
United States Pacific Northwest surveys of coastal foredune topography and vegetation abundance, 2012-2014Biel, Reuben G
Hacker, Sally D
Ruggiero, Peter
Carroll, Lindsay
BGPVC Plant species composition in the Belowground Plot Experiment at Konza PrairieBlair, John

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