Search Results

Terms used in this search: restoration

Displaying 1-10 of 195 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Seeing the light: nitrate spiraling and hydrogeomorphic characteristics of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Seeing the light: metabolic activity of restored and unrestored streams in the Baltimore, MD region.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Seeing the light: high temporal frequency (5-10min resolution) measurements of dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, and depth used to estimate metabolism in restored and unrestored Baltimore streams.Reisinger, Alexander J
Groffman, Peter M
Rosi, Emma J
Stream Restoration and Flood Impacts in the Kickapoo River Watershed, Wisconsin, 2019Druschke, Caroline Gottschalk
Booth, Eric G.
Stanley, Emily H.
Hallwood Floodplain and Side Channel Restoration Project - Salmonid Redd Surveys on the Yuba River 2014-2023Flores, Bobbie
South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project – Phase-1 (2010-2012) Sentinel Species Health Monitoring.Hobbs, James A.
Riparian Restoration in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed, Seattle, Washington, USA: 2001-2017Loutos, Zoe
South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project – Phase-1 (2014-2017) Fish Sampling for Mercury Studies.Hobbs, James A.
PIE LTER measurements of the two tallest Phragmites australis stems per five meter interval along transects at the Argilla Rd. salt marsh restoration site (Ipswich, MA) and Rough Meadows reference marsh (Rowley, MA – Stackyard Road area).Buchsbaum, Robert
Catena, John
Hutchins, Eric
McDermott, Sean
Mechanisms influencing physically sequestered soil carbon in temperate restored grasslands in South Africa and North AmericaScott, Drew A
Bach, Elizabeth M
Du Preez, Chris C
Six, Johan
Baer, Sara G

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