Search Results

Terms used in this search: revegetation

Displaying 1-10 of 19 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Revegetation of landslides, vegetation <0.1m (Small landslide plots at the Luquillo Experimental Forest)Walker, Lawrence R.
Landslide Revegetation Canopy Measurements & Cover EstimatesWalker, Lawrence R.
Soil movement across black grama and mesquite ecotone transects in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico, USA, 1933-2011Campbell, Robert
Gibbens, Robert
Bestelmeyer, Brandon T.
Soil sample from landslide ES1 (Espiritu Santo El Verde), ES2, and RB2 (Rio Blanco)Walker, Lawrence R.
Regeneration after Hurricane Hugo woody species greater than 1cm tall (9ha grid, El Verde)(Wood fall from Hurricane Hugo 9Ha Grid)Walker, Lawrence R.
Regeneration after Hurricane Hugo, woody species > 10 cm tall (9Ha grid, El Verde) (9Ha Plots Small Data Set)Brokaw, Nicholas
Regeneration after Hurricane Hugo woody species more than 1m tall (9ha grid, El Verde) (Large 9Ha Grid)Walker, Lawrence R.
Riparian Restoration in the Cedar River Municipal Watershed, Seattle, Washington, USA: 2001-2017Loutos, Zoe
Long-term monitoring of herpetofauna along the Salt and Gila Rivers in and near the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, ongoing since 2012Bateman, Heather
Childers, Dan
Aeolian dust weights sampled by BSNE collectors quarterly from the CSIS study at Jornada Basin LTER, 2012-ongoingOkin, Gregory S
Peters, Debra C

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