Search Results

Terms used in this search: simulation

Displaying 1-10 of 83 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Ecosystem responses to changes in climate and carbon dioxide in twelve mature ecosystems ranging from prairie to forest and from the arctic to the tropicsRastetter, Edward
Kwiatkowski, Bonnie
Kicklighter, David
Barker Plotkin, Audrey
Genet, Helene
Nippert, Jesse
O'Keefe, Kimberly
Perakis, Steven
Porder, Stephen
Roley, Sarah
Ruess, Roger
Thompson, Jonathan
Wieder, William
Wilcox, Kevin
Yanai, Ruth
Influence of weather forecast resolution on the circulation of Lake George, NY.Auger, Guillaume A.R.
Kolar, Harry R.
Watson, Campbell D.
Everglades Landscape Model (ELM) Code and DocumentationFitz, H. Carl
PIE LTER trapping capacity of suspended cohesive sediments of subdomains at Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts (numerical simulations).Fagherazzi, Sergio
Zhang, Xiaohe
Projected Snow Cover Reductions and Mid-latitude Cyclone Responses in the North American Great Plains, 1986 - 2005Clare, Ryan M
Desai, Ankur R
Michael, Notaro
Jonathan, Martin E
Stephen, Vavrus J
Modeled dry deposition flux of nitrogen nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in central Arizona, USA (1998)Grossman-Clarke, Susanne
Hope, Diane
Fernando, H
Stefanov, William
Zehnder, Joseph
Hyde, Peter G
Modeled dry deposition flux of total nitrogen in central Arizona, USA (1998)Grossman-Clarke, Susanne
Hope, Diane
Fernando, H
Stefanov, William
Zehnder, Joseph
Hyde, Peter G
Modeled dry deposition flux of nitrogen (HNO3) in central Arizona, USA (1998)Grossman-Clarke, Susanne
Hope, Diane
Fernando, H
Stefanov, William
Zehnder, Joseph
Hyde, Peter G
Modeled dry deposition flux of nitrogen (NO) in central Arizona, USA (1998)Grossman-Clarke, Susanne
Hope, Diane
Fernando, H
Stefanov, William
Zehnder, Joseph
Hyde, Peter G
Can wildland fire management alter 21st-century subalpine fire and forests in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USAHansen, Winslow D
Abendroth, Diane
Rammer, Werner
Seidl, Rupert
Turner, Monica G.

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