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University of Houston Coastal Center soil carbon stocks in 2022 | Szuter, Michael Thompson, Ry Welsh, Isaac Thompson, Hunter Stahman, Matt Pennings, Steven C
| 2024 | edi.1606.1 |
International Soil Carbon Network version 3.2 Database (ISCN3.2) | Nave, Luke Johnson, Kris van Ingen, Catharine Agarwal, Deborah Humphrey, Marty Beekwilder, Norman
| 2021 | edi.360.4 |
Spatial Variation of Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF) (LEF_SOIL_CNP) | Hall, Charles A.S.
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.110.84 |
Soil carbon, soil nitrogen, and geometry of 30 playas and their catchment areas at the Jornada Basin LTER site in 2012 | McKenna, Owen Sala, Osvaldo
| 2020 | knb-lter-jrn.210420001.5 |
International Soil Carbon Network version 3 Database (ISCN3) | Nave, Luke Johnson, Kris van Ingen, Catharine Agarwal, Deborah Humphrey, Marty Beekwilder, Norman
| 2021 | edi.373.1 |
Carbon decomposition and nitrogen mineralization in Marsden agroecosystem diversification experiment, Iowa, 2021 | Yi, Bo Huang, Wenjuan Liebman, Matt Woods, Matthew McDaniel, Marshall D Lu, Chaoqun Vanloocke, Andy Archontoulis, Sotirios Petersen, Bryan Jian, Siyang Poffenbarger, Hanna J Wang, Gangsheng Luo, Yiqi Hall, Steven J
| 2024 | edi.1716.5 |
Meta-analytical data on soil organic, particulate organic, and mineral-associated organic carbon under nitrogen fertilization, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, atmospheric warming, increased precipitation, drought, and their combined effects | Rocci, Katherine S Lavallee, Jocelyn M Stewart, Catherine E Cotrufo, M Francesca
| 2021 | edi.855.1 |
Organic and inorganic data for soil cores from Brazil and Florida Bay seagrasses to support Howard et al 2018, CO2 released by carbonate sediment production in some coastal areas may offset the benefits of seagrass “Blue Carbon” storage, Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.10621 | Howard, Jason L Fourqurean, James W
| 2020 | knb-lter-fce.1228.1 |
Soil respiration dataset from abandoned croplands across China | Gao, Hui Xia, Xinghui Liu, Shaoda
| 2022 | edi.1260.3 |
Amendments and seeding did not augment erosion control structure effectiveness in dry rangelands, 2021-2023 | Stricker, Eva
| 2024 | edi.1790.1 |