Search Results

Terms used in this search: tides

Displaying 1-10 of 129 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mesocosm and pitfall trapping for surface activity on spring and neap tidesEmery, Kyle
Kramer, Valerie
Schooler, Nicholas K
Michaud, Kristen
Madden, Jessica
Hubbard, David M
Miller, Robert J
Dugan, Jenifer E
SBC LTER: BEACH: Talitrid amphipod (Megalorchestia spp.) mean positions on spring and neap tidesEmery, Kyle
Kramer, Valerie
Schooler, Nicholas K
Michaud, Kristen
Madden, Jessica
Hubbard, David M
Miller, Robert J
Dugan, Jenifer E
NOAA Monthly Mean Sea Level Summary Data for the Key West, Florida, Water Level Station (FCE) (NOAA/NOS Co-OPS ID 8724580) from 01-Jan-1913 to PresentNOAA Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)
Measurements of tidal creek discharge measurements during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 15 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER.Weston, Nathaniel
Monthly mean sea level data (1912-2018) relative to NAVD88 for Portland, Maine, NOAA/NOSGiblin, Anne
Water-column conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH by deployed sonde during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 5 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER.Weston, Nathaniel
Monthly mean sea level data (1921-2018) relative to NAVD88 for Boston, Massachusetts, NOAA/NOSGiblin, Anne
Water samples collected for dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrient analysis during tidal creek lateral exchange measurements approximately every 15 minutes from beginning of flood tide to the following low tide, Rowley, MA, PIE LTER.Weston, Nathaniel
LTER Oyster Landing Biweekly Fish Sampling in Oyster Landing Creek, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina, from 1981 to 1992, North Inlet LTERAllen, Dennis
LTER Oyster Landing Biweekly Fish Sampling in Oyster Landing Creek, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina, from 1981 to 1992, North Inlet LTERAllen, Dennis

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