Search Results

Terms used in this search: total nitrogen

Displaying 1-10 of 115 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Surface pelagic total nitrogen concentrations in Lake Sunapee, USA 2009 to 2012Cottingham, Kathryn L
Surface pelagic total nitrogen concentrations in Lake Sunapee, USA 2009 to 2012Cottingham, Kathryn L
Nitrogen and phosphorus content of mesquite tree tissues from four habitats at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 1986Silva, Solange
McBride, Robin
Virginia, Ross
Nitrogen and phosphorus content of mesquite tree tissues from four habitats at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 1987Silva, Solange
McBride, Robin
Virginia, Ross
Total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations from surface water samples collected by the Citizen-Led Environmental Observatory (CLEO) from multiple nearshore sites in Lake Lillinonah, Connecticut, USA, 2011-currentKlug, Jennifer L
White, Rebekah
Bollard, Greg
Effects of microarthropod exclusion and water amendments on fluffgrass rhizosphere total soil nitrogen at the Jornada Basin, 1986-1987Solange, Silva
Whitford, Walt
Sawgrass Above and Below Ground Total Nitrogen and Total Carbon from the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, September 2002 - ongoingGaiser, Evelyn
Childers, Daniel
Travieso, Rafael
Sawgrass Above and Below Ground Total Nitrogen and Total Carbon from the Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, March 2002 - ongoingTroxler, Tiffany
Childers, Daniel
Soil nutrients sampled in and around ant nests in three harvester ant habitats at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 1987Di Marco, Rodolfo
Whitford, Walter G
Water Quality Data (Rainfall-driven autosampler) from the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, June 2003 - ongoingKominoski, John
Gaiser, Evelyn
Childers, Daniel
Travieso, Rafael

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