Title ▵▿ |
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Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, USA: Long-term atmospheric deposition chemistry 1987 -
2012 | Patel, Kaizad F. Fernandez, Ivan J. Nelson, Sarah J. Spencer, Cheryl J. Norton, Stephen A.
| 2020 | edi.618.3 |
Atmospheric Wet Deposition in Urban and Suburban Sites Across the United States | Conrad-Rooney, Emma Gewirtzman, Jonathan Pappas, Yanni Pasquarella, Valerie Hutyra, Lucy Templer, Pamela
| 2023 | edi.1405.3 |
Spatial occurrence of large rain-on-snow events and soil nitrogen and phosphorus pools in the conterminous United States from 2003 to 2017 | Seybold, Erin C. Dwivedi, Ravindra Musselman, Keith N. Kincaid, Dustin W. Schroth, Andrew W. Perdrial, Julia N. Classen, Aimee T. Adair, E. Carol
| 2020 | edi.636.1 |
NADP/NTN precipitation chemistry data | Ramirez, Alonso
| 2010 | knb-lter-luq.77.3321586 |
Chemistry of rainfall and throughfall from El Verde and Bisley | McDowell, William H.
| 2012 | knb-lter-luq.174.2110897 |
Desert Fertilization Experiment: investigation of Sonoran desert ecosystem response to atmospheric deposition and experimental nutrient addition, ongoing since 2006 | Grimm, Nancy Hall, Sharon J Kaye, Jason Allen, Jonathan
| 2023 | knb-lter-cap.632.15 |