Porewater samples are collected at SRS1b,SRS2,SRS3, TS/Ph-1-5 within the 1 m^ aboveground sawgrass nondestructive biomass plots. Airstones connected to Tygon tubing are inserted 10-15 cm below the soil surface. Biannually during the wet season, Monoject 140cc syringes are used to collect at least 80 mL of porewater sample and after collection they are immediately placed in an ice filled cooler. The lab processing of these samples include salinity measurements using a refractometer, and filtering the sample through a Whatman GF/F filter. Samples are analyzed for inorganic nutrients such as NO2-,NO3-,NH4+,SRP, and DOC. Dissolved nutrients are measured using standard rapid flow analyzer (RFA) techniques and DOC is quantified on a Shimadzu TOC Analyzer.