Periphyton accumulation rates were measured quarterly at FCE LTER sites in SRS and TS/Ph marshes (SRS 1-3, TS/Ph 1-3) and the seagrass meadows of Florida Bay (TS/Ph 9-11). Glass slides were used as artificial substrates for periphyton growth. Twenty slides were incubated for 2 months in triplicate periphytometers (flow-through plastic boxes) at the surface (marsh sites) and bottom (seagrass sites) at each site. In addition, at seagrass sites, twelve artificial seagrass blades were incubated for two months in triplicate at each site. Blades were made from strips of transparency film anchored to the bottom and floating upward toward the surface by use of a styrofoam bead on the top of the blade. Data are presented in terms of grams dry and ash-free dry mass accumulated per area per time, as well as the chlorophyll a content of the dry mass and its rate of accumulation. Total phosphorus content of accumulated periphyton is also provided. This is part of continuous data collection to test the hypothesis that phosphorus availability and hydroperiod influence periphyton production in the Everglades.