Depth profiles of water biogeochemical properties were collected with SeaBird Electronics (SBE) Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) profilers from 2013-2023. Data availability differs across years due to additional sensors that have been added or replaced over time. From 2013-2016, profiles were taken with a CTD equipped with an SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor and an ECO FLNTU sensor for turbidity and chlorophyll. From 2017-2023, profiles were taken with a CTD equipped with an SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor, an ECO FLNTU sensor for turbidity and chlorophyll, a PAR-LOG ICSW sensor for photosynthetically active radiation, and a SBE 27 pH and ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) sensor. In 2022 and 2023, profiles were also taken with an additional CTD equipped with an SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor, an ECO Triplet Scattering Fluorescence sensor for CDOM, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin, an ECO FLNTU sensor for turbidity and chlorophyll, and PAR-LOG ICSW for photosynthetically active radiation. CTD profiles were collected in five drinking water reservoirs in southwestern Virginia, USA. All variables were measured every 0.25 seconds, resulting in depth profiles at approximately ten centimeter resolution. The five study reservoirs are: Beaverdam Reservoir (Vinton, Virginia), Carvins Cove Reservoir (Roanoke, Virginia), Falling Creek Reservoir (Vinton, Virginia), Gatewood Reservoir (Pulaski, Virginia), and Spring Hollow Reservoir (Salem, Virginia). Beaverdam, Carvins Cove, Falling Creek, and Spring Hollow Reservoirs are owned and operated by the Western Virginia Water Authority as primary or secondary drinking water sources for Roanoke, Virginia, and Gatewood Reservoir is a drinking water source for the town of Pulaski, Virginia. The dataset consists of CTD depth profiles measured at the deepest site of each reservoir adjacent to the dam as well as other upstream reservoir sites. The profiles were collected approximately fortnightly in the spring months, weekly in the summer and early autumn, and monthly in the late autumn and winter. Beaverdam Reservoir, Carvins Cove Reservoir, and Falling Creek Reservoir were sampled every year in the dataset (2013-2023); Spring Hollow Reservoir was only sampled 2013-2017 and 2019; and Gatewood Reservoir was only sampled in 2016.