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  • Data package for NutNet project: Compositional variation in grassland plant communities (60 sites, 2007-2020)
  • Bakker, Jonathan D.; University of Washington
    Price, Jodi N.; Charles Sturt University
    Henning, Jeremiah A.; University of South Alabama
    Batzer, Evan E.; University of California - Davis
    Ohlert, Timothy J.; University of New Mexico
    Wainwright, Claire E.; University of Washington
    Adler, Peter B.; Utah State University
    Alberti, Juan; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC), CONICET – UNMDP
    Arnillas, Carlos Alberto; University of Toronto - Scarborough
    Biederman, Lori A.; Iowa State University
    Borer, Elizabeth T.; University of Minnesota
    Brudvig, Lars A.; Michigan State University
    Buckley, Yvonne M.; Trinity College Dublin
    Bugalho, Miguel N.; University of Lisbon
    Cadotte, Marc W.; University of Toronto - Scarborough
    Caldeira, Maria C.; University of Lisbon
    Catford, Jane A.; King's College London
    Chen, Qingqing; Peking University
    Crawley, Michael J.; Imperial College London
    Daleo, Pedro; CONICET-UNMDP
    Dickman, Chris R.; University of Sydney
    Donohue, Ian; Trinity College Dublin
    DuPre, Mary Ellyn; MPG Ranch
    Ebeling, Anne; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
    Eisenhauer, Nico; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and University of Leipzig
    Fay, Philip A.; USDA, ARS, Grassland Soil and Water Research Lab
    Gruner, Daniel S.; University of Maryland, College Park
    Haider, Sylvia; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
    Hautier, Yann; Utrecht University
    Jentsch-Beierkuhnlein, Anke; University of Bayreuth
    Kirkman, Kevin; University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Knops, Johannes M. H.; Xi'an Jiantong-Liverpool University
    Lannes, Luciola S.; Sao Paulo State University
    MacDougall, Andrew S.; University of Guelph
    McCulley, Rebecca L.; University of Kentucky
    Mitchell, Rachel M.; University of Arizona
    Moore, Joslin L.; Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Monash University, and University of Melbourne
    Morgan, John W.; La Trobe University
    Mortensen, Brent; Benedictine College
    Olde Venterink, Harry; Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Peri, Pablo L.; INTA-UNPA-CONICET
    Power, Sally A.; Western Syndey University
    Prober, Suzanne M.; CSIRO Environment
    Roscher, Christiane; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and UFZ, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
    Sankaran, Mahesh; National Centre for Biological Sciences and University of Leeds
    Seabloom, Eric W.; University of Minnesota
    Smith, Melinda D.; Colorado State University
    Stevens, Carly; Lancaster University
    Sullivan, Lauren L.; Michigan State University
    Tedder, Michelle; University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Veen, G. F.; Netherlands Institute of Ecology
    Virtanen, Risto; University of Oulu
    Wardle, Glenda M.; University of Sydney
  • 2023-04-24
  • Bakker, J.D., J.N. Price, J.A. Henning, E.E. Batzer, T.J. Ohlert, C.E. Wainwright, P.B. Adler, J. Alberti, C.A. Arnillas, L.A. Biederman, E.T. Borer, L.A. Brudvig, Y.M. Buckley, M.N. Bugalho, M.W. Cadotte, M.C. Caldeira, J.A. Catford, Q. Chen, M. Crawley, P. Daleo, C.R. Dickman, I. Donohue, M. DuPre, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, P.A. Fay, D.S. Gruner, S. Haider, Y. Hautier, A. Jentsch-Beierkuhnlein, K. Kirkman, J.M. Knops, L.S. Lannes, A.S. MacDougall, R.L. McCulley, R.M. Mitchell, J.L. Moore, J.W. Morgan, B. Mortensen, H. Olde Venterink, P.L. Peri, S.A. Power, S.M. Prober, C. Roscher, M. Sankaran, E.W. Seabloom, M.D. Smith, C. Stevens, L.L. Sullivan, M. Tedder, G.F. Veen, R. Virtanen, and G.M. Wardle. 2023. Data package for NutNet project: Compositional variation in grassland plant communities (60 sites, 2007-2020) ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Data associated with a manuscript examining compositional variation in grassland plant communities around the globe. We used a globally distributed experiment to examine variation in species composition within 60 grasslands on 6 continents. Each site had an identical experimental and sampling design: 24 plots x 4 years. We expressed compositional variation within each site—not across sites—using abundance- and incidence-based metrics of the magnitude of dissimilarity (Bray-Curtis and Sorensen, respectively), abundance- and incidence-based measures of the relative importance of replacement (balanced variation and species turnover, respectively), and species richness at two scales (per plot-year (alpha) and per site (gamma)). We assessed species composition separately for each site and then compared patterns among sites, asking: (1) How does small-scale compositional variation differ among grasslands?; (2) Can compositional variation within a site be predicted by its biotic and abiotic context?; and (3) Does a combination of metrics enhance our understanding of the ecological processes at individual sites? This data package includes the site-specific values of each metric and the explanatory variables used to predict differences in compositional variation among sites. Scripts to conduct analyses and create figures and tables are also provided.

  • N: 90.0      S: -90.0      E: 180.0      W: -180.0
  • edi.1411.1  (Uploaded 2023-04-24)  
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