This study was initiated by Dr. Dennis A. Riege with a focus on the role of white pine (Pinus strobus) in old-growth mixed white pine-hemlock-northern hardwood forests. Study areas within the lands of the Huron Mt. Club were selected for prominent presence of canopy white pine. Several permanent study plots, totaling about 3.3 ha, were established, with all trees >5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) identified, mapped and measured. Initiatl establishment was from 2006-2008. All plots were remeasured in 2011, 2016 and 2021-22. Mortality and new recruits were documented in remeasurements. Reference coordinates for each plot are included in 'Methods'. Data tables in this package include all of these measurements. Additional information, including maps of downed logs, is included in material included under 'other entities'.