Furcraea sp. is a plant native to the Andean region that has a big impact in the economy due to the uses associates to the plant. This data set correspond to the results of the study "Effects of Bacterial Bioinoculants and Organic Fertilizers on Leaf Length, Total Phenol and Total Flavonoid Content in a Crop of Furcraea sp. in Sibundoy Putumayo". In the study, we applied bioinoculants and organic fertilizers either alone or in combination in order to determine their effect on the leaf lenght and the production of secondary metabolites.
We present three data sets: the first one correspond to the leaf length (cm), that was measuere every 15 day during 400 days. This data was collected to determine how the different tratments applied affected the growth of the leaves of Furcraea sp.
The second one is the total phenol content. It was measured by the Folin Ciocalteu method and the results were expressed as Equivalent mg of Galic acid/ g of dry vegetable material. The third one is the quantification of flavonoids, with the same thecnique mentioned before. The results were expressed as Equivalent mg of rutine/ g of dry vegetable materia. The aim of meassuring this two metabolites was to determine if there was any relationship between the products applied and their production.