Water clarity and color were determined for six reservoirs using rapid spatial surveys from a sensor equipped boat and concurrent Sentinel-2 satellite imagery across Texas during drought conditions between the months of July and August 2022. From west to east, these systems include Red Bluff Reservoir, O.H. Ivie Lake, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Brownwood, Lake Waco, and Lake Bonham. For the water year leading up to the sampling dates, the precipitation ranged from 182 mm in Red Bluff Reservoir to 1036 mm in Lake Bonham. A total of 254 km of boat path were covered across the six reservoirs with a mean boat speed of 19.17 km/h. The data for this study covers three spatial scales 1) along the boat path 2) longitudinal transects from dam to river arm and 3) whole system. For the boat path, data variables include turbidity measured continuously with a YSI EXO2 sonde, Secchi disk depth predicted from the turbidity values, normalized difference turbidity index (NDTI), and dominant wavelength. For both the longitudinal transects and whole system data, variables include the two remotely derived measures of clarity and color, NDTI and dominant wavelength. Data is also categorized by zone as either "arm" (reservoir arm) or "body" (main body) determined by a 4m depth threshold to compare between zones.