This dataset contains all the contents needed to reproduce the calculations and analyses done in the original paper associated with this dataset (Heumann et al. 2025 Ecology). The primary method used in this study was the Acetylene Reduction Assay (ARA) which measures the rate at which acetylene is reduced to ethylene in nitrogen-fixing organisms as a proxy for nitrogen fixation activity. We measured acetylene reduction rates in multiple cryptic niches (i.e., lichen, moss, pine litter, dead wood and mineral soil) in 34-year-old lodgepole pine stands in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to explore the rates, temporal patterns, and climate controls on cryptic N fixation. Thus the foundation of this dataset is ethylene production rate measurements. All the data tables in this dataset contain either measured ethylene production rates or estimates of N fixation scaled from those ethylene production rates. Included with this are various physical measurements (e.g. dry mass, moisture content, incubation temperatures) that we included in our analyses in order to either scale up rates of N fixation using biomass estimates from field sites or explore temperature and moisture relationships with nitrogen fixation activity under controlled conditions. Included with this dataset are three R studio scripts used to run the calculations and analyses reported in the manuscript publication from this study.