Water level measuraments as part of the Stream Flow Reduction Experiment (StreamFRE). Background: Water level data has been collected in two tributaries of the Quebrada Prieta stream since 2016, at the inception of the StreamFRE project. This file contains water level data since 2016. Water level is measured using an Onset HOBO depth water level data logger (modelo U20L-04). Raw data files are corrected using a reference stage height at the site and Barometric data collected at Prieta with a similar sensor placed outside the water. Water level data is logged continuously every 15 minutes.
This is a long-term monitoring of water discharge and water level at Prieta Stream. The monitoring point is located at Pool 0: which is the same location where we sample stream chemistry. Measurements are taken automatically with a pressure transducer: every 15 minutes. Measure are originally of pressure: which are translated to water level using the reference gauge. Using an equation provided by Dr. Fred Scatena: water level is converted into discharge. Stage height to discharge equation created by Fred N Scatena used from 2006 to 3-26-2013 10 AM: discharge (m3/sec) = 1.095 - 1.585 * stage + 0.578 * stage * stage Stage height to discharge equation created by William H McDowell and Jody Potter used from 3-26-2013 10:15 to present: discharge (m3/sec) = 0.0005*((stage)^8.8846)*35.314666
Support for this work was provided by grants BSR-8811902, DEB-9411973, DEB-9705814 , DEB-0080538, DEB-0218039 , DEB-0620910 , DEB-1239764, DEB-1546686, and DEB-1831952 from the National Science Foundation to the University of Puerto Rico as part of the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program. Additional support provided by the University of Puerto Rico and the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service.