This data package contains data from natural rainfall-runoff plots installed on lands managed by the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC) and the Jornada Experimental Range (JER) during the early years of Jornada Basin LTER (LTER-I and II). The purpose of this study was to measure infiltration and runoff rates related to rain event duration and intensity, and soil and organic movement in creosotebush and grassland areas. In addition, some plots were treated with chlordane to remove termites. Nine hydrology runoff plots in the creosotebush sites (Larrea tridentata) were established in 1983 and 12 black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) grassland runoff plots were established in 1989. Each plot was 2 × 2 square meters and surrounded on 3 sides by a metal frame. Rainfall was collected using a 10-cm diameter PVC pipe and a 120-liter tub. There are 4074 plot-events or observations in the data set. The data set includes the date of the rainfall event, relative cover of vegetation, sediment concentration in runoff (mg/l), precipitation (mm), deposited sediment, and percent carbon. This study began in fall 1982 and was completed in fall 1994.