This data package contains rabbit survey data from grassland and creosote shrubland habitats on Jornada Experimental Range (JER) and Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC) lands. Two survey routes were established along Jornada Basin roads in 1996; one in black grama grassland and the other in creosotebush shrubland. Quarterly surveys are conducted on these roads at or near the full moon to measure the density of rabbits in the two vegetation types. Each route is about 6 miles long. Parallel studies were established at the Sevilleta LTER site (New Mexico, USA) and Mapimi Biosphere Reserve (Durango, Mexico). Data collection began in April 1996 and includes date and time lagomorphs are spotted, species identification, habitat type, distance/direction from vehicle, and comments on the weather, moon, and anything unusual. This study is ongoing with new data collected quarterly.