This data package contains soil water content data from a 2-year experimental manipulation of rainfall conducted on the Jornada Experimental Range from 2007-2009. The objective was to understand the interaction of precipitation on ANPP legacies. Rain-out shelters were used to create 5 levels of precipitation: -80% and -50% reduced, ambient control, and +50% and +80% increased PPT. At each plot, volumetric soil water content was monitored at shallow (0-5 cm) and deep (30-50 cm) depths. This data set contains the date of collection, block number, plot number, precipitation treatment, depth of soil probe, sensor voltage, and volumetric water content. This study was completed in November 2009.
For further information and results, see:
Throop, H., L. G. Reichmann, O. Sala, and S. Archer. (2012), Response of dominant grass and shrub species to water manipulation: an ecophysical basis for shrub invasion in a Chihuahuan desert grassland. Oecologia 169: 373-383.
Reichmann, L. G., O. E. Sala, and D. P. C. Peters. (2013), Water controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem. Ecosphere 4(1):11.