This data package contains measurements of dust collected by BSNE collectors for the Connectivity Modifier (ConMod) Pilot study plots from 2008-2016 on the Jornada Experimental Range. There were 3 sites for this study: Gravelly Ridges, Aeolian, and Dona Ana. Within each site, there were 8 plots. The plots are 8 x 8 meters and have an 8 x 8 buffer zone on both sides of the plot (up and down). There are four BSNE (aeolian dust collector) stands for each plot, 2 in each of the 2 buffer zones (8 collectors per plot). Each stand contains 2 BSNE collectors at a 30cm height with the collection opening at 10cm x 2 cm wide x 5 cm height. These BSNE collectors are in a fixed position pointing into the direction of the prevailing wind, which corresponds to the plot alignment. The collectors in the upwind buffer are facing away from the plot and the collectors in the downwind buffer are facing into the plot. Upwind BSNEs collect the amount of dust entering the plot, and the downwind BSNEs collect the amount of dust moving off the plot. These collectors estimate the effectiveness of the plot surface in obstructing wind blown dust. This study is complete (finished in 2016) and was the pilot study to the newer Cross Scale Interactions Study.