This data package contains long-term hydrologic event data collected in the Tromble experimental watershed in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico, USA. Streamflow and precipitation data were collected at an instrumented flume below a 4.7 hectare shrub-dominated catchment during two periods: 1977-1985 and 2003-2011. This dataset was assembled to evaluate the effects of changes in rainfall on runoff in this Chihuahauan desert watershed. Four data files are available here, including event precipitation totals and sub-hourly runoff details for hydrologic events during both time periods. Variables measured include event precipitation, stage heights at the flume, and calculated discharge rates. This study is complete.
_For further information, refer to:_
Turnbull, L., A. J. Parsons, J. Wainwright, and J. P. Anderson. \"Runoff responses to long-term rainfall variability in a shrub-dominated catchment.\" Journal of arid environments 91 (2013): 88-94.