This data package contains fluff grass (Erioneuron pulchellum) measurements taken during the growing period in 1986 (March, July, and September). The purpose of this study was to test if changing densities of soil microarthropods and nematodes results in changes in fluff grass growth. The experimental design consisted of 20 plots (each 6m x 6m) and 3-meter buffers between each plot. Four treatments were assigned to 5 plots each 1) Chlordane, 2) Chlordane and water, 3) Water, and 4) Control. Within each plot, fluff grass plants were permanently tagged for continuous measurements of plant diameter and height for three sampling dates. Data consists of the date of measurement, the longest diameter (cm), the diameter (cm) perpendicular to the longest diameter, and height (cm). This study was complete in September 1986.