This data package contains fluff grass (Erioneuron pulchellum) data from 1987. The purpose of this study was to test if changing densities of soil microarthropods and nematodes results in changes in fluff grass nitrogen mineralization and growth. Twenty plots (each 6m x 6m) with 3-meter buffers between were established on the Jornada Basin CDRCC. Four treatments were assigned to 5 plots each 1) Chlordane (to exclude microarthropods), 2) Chlordane and water, 3) Water, and 4) Control. At monthly intervals, randomly selected fluff grass plants were collected from each plot. This data set consists plant diameters, mites soil weight, root weight, nematode soil weight, root total nitrogen, and nematode number. This study was complete in November 1987. For additional data from this study, refer to other JRN packages: 210385004, 210385003, 210385008, 210385005, 210385006, 210385001.
This dataset is from the following thesis:
Silva, Solange Inacia. 1989. The effects of microarthropods on nitrogen availability within the rhizosphere of Erioneuron pulchellum in a northern Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. New Mexico State University: Las Cruces, NM.