Soils were sampled from the Net Primary Productivity plots on the Jornada Basin LTER. For each of the five dominant vegetation types (mesquite, grassland, playa, creosote, tarbush) three sites (with low, medium, and high production levels) have been established. At 14 of 15 sites a grid of 70 by 70 meters was set out. Within these, 49 plots of 10 by 10 meters were placed and labeled (numbered) in serpentine design. The exception was the playa college site where, 48 plots of 10 by 10 meters were laid out in three long rows of 16 plots per row. At all plots a soil sample of 0-10 cm depth was taken 1 meter from the northeast marker bar at a diagonal (heading toward the southwest marker). At one site representing each five vegetation type another set of 49 soils (#101-149) was taken from within one of the 10 by 10 meter plots. These soils were sampled 1 meter apart using a serpentine design. Samples were analyzed for soil saturation percentage, total kjeldahl nitrogen, pH, and gravimetric water content.