This dataset contains multiple geospatial layers that describe the physical geography, landforms, and geological parent materials of the Jornada Basin region of southern New Mexico U.S.A. The data are the product of NRCS soil surveys and other sources. Spatial information and attributes in this dataset reflect the published information for the study (Monger et al. 2006) to the extent known, but the data are under review and should be considered provisional at this time. Further details can be found in:
Monger, H. C., G. H. Mack, B. A. Nolen, and L. H. Gile. 2006. "Regional Setting of the Jornada LTER." In Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem: The Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research Site, edited by K. Havstad, L. F. Huenneke, and W. H. eds. Schlesinger, 15–43. Oxford: Oxford University Press.