This dataset contains annual precipitation collected from meterological stations and vegetation cover values derived from overhead photos of connectivity modifier treatments, or "Conmods," deployed in a long-term experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. Conmods were installed in 2013 at 15 experimental blocks, each with 4 plots under different landscape connectivity treatments. Litter, soil, and vegetation accumulation inside Conmods was monitored by taking repeat photographs and analyzing them to yield percentage cover of different cover and vegetation types. Daily precipitation data from 13 meterological stations were used to calculate annual, wateryear (october-september), and growing season precipitation from 2013 through 2021. These data are part of a larger experiment where vegetation cover was estimated on plots where shrubs were killed in-place using an herbicide or a combination of shrub mortality and ConMods was conducted. Control plots did not have manipulations.