This dataset contains water year precipitation collected from meteorological stations, litter and vegetation cover values derived from overhead photos, and litter and soil accumulation in lateral photos in a long-term experiment (2013-2021) of cross-scale interactions (CSIs) at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. Manipulations were initiated in 2013 at 15 experimental blocks, each with 4 treatment plots: plant-scale herbicide of mesquite shrubs, patch-scale connectivity modifiers (ConMods), herbicide + ConMods, control without manipulations. Litter, soil, and vegetation cover were estimated using repeat overhead photographs of microplots within treatment and control plots. Litter and soil accumulation were estimated from lateral photos of ConMods. Daily precipitation data collected from 13 meteorological stations were used to calculate water year (1 October-30 September) precipitation from 2013 through 2021. This dataset provides supporting data for the manuscript "GROWING GRASSES IN THE DESERT: CROSS-SCALE INTERACTIONS LEAD TO STATE CHANGE REVERSAL IN DRYLANDS" by Peters et al.