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Data Package Summary    View Full Metadata

  • Jornada LTER NPP G-BASN meteorological station: 1-hour summary data
  • Anderson, John; Research Site Manager; JRN LTER
  • 2019
  • Anderson, J. 2019. Jornada LTER NPP G-BASN meteorological station: 1-hour summary data ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • Hourly summary data at NPP G-BASN met station. Average/maximum/minimum air temperature; average relative humidity and wind direction; average/maximum wind speed. These are measured and calculated at an automated meteorological station installed at Jornada LTER NPP G-BASN site. Wind speed is measured at 75 cm, 150 cm, and 300 cm, wind direction at approximately 3m, and air temperature and relative humidity at approximate 2.5m. This climate station is operated by the Jornada LTER Program.
  • N: 32.617417      S: 32.617417      E: -106.740056      W: -106.740056
  • knb-lter-jrn.210437034.1  (Uploaded 2019-03-01)  
  • Following academic courtesy standards, the Jornada LTER site should be fully acknowledged in any subsequent publications in which any part of this dataset is used.
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