Daily summary data at NPP C-CALI met station. Average/maximum/minimum air temperature; average/maximum relative humidity and wind speed and average wind direction. These are measured and calculated at an automated meteorological station installed at Jornada LTER NPP C-CALI site. Wind speed is measured at 75 cm, 150 cm, and 300 cm, wind direction at approximately 3m, and air temperature and relative humidity at approximate 2.5m. This climate station is operated by the Jornada LTER Program. IT IS ESSENTIAL that data users include the quality flags associated with each variable in their application of the data. All data pass through criteria checks and are flagged if considered (I)nvalid, (Q)uestionable, (E)stimated, etc. No data are replaced in this process. For example, invalid data are flagged as such next to associated values, but values remain within the dataset as an indicator of error type.