This data package contains 30-minute air temperature, relative humidity, and wind summary data from Jornada Basin LTER Cross Scale Interactions Study (CSIS) Block-1 met station. Average air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation are measured and calculated at an automated meteorological station connected to a 900 MHz spread spectrum wireless network. Wind speed is measured at 37cm, 75 cm, 150 cm, and 300 cm, wind direction at approximately 3m, and air temperature and relative humidity at approximate 2.5m. Measurements are aggregated at intervals of 5, 30, 60 minutes and daily, with precipitation additionally provided with 1 second aggregation during precipitation events. The met station variables measured include air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed. Precipitation is not measured at Block 1 and Block 12 because of proximity to Block 2 and Block 13, respectively. This is an ONGOING dataset.