Three mini-buoys were deployed during a portion of the ice-off period of 2018 in Lake Sunapee, NH, USA with HOBO temperature sensors at various depths below the water’s surface. Temperature data were collected using HOBO pendant temperature and HOBO pendant temperature/light sensors at descending depths between 0.1m and the nearest whole and/or half meter increments below the water surface and above the sediment/water interface at 10 minute intervals. Two buoys (Georges Mills and Herrick Cove) also had miniDOT (PME) dissolved oxygen and temperature sensors placed 1.75 meters below the surface. The buoys were located in cove areas of the lake in the north east arm of the lake (Herrick Cove, 0.1m – 6.5m), the west side of the southern area of the lake near Lake Sunapee State Beach (State Beach, 0.1m – 2.5m) and the northwest arm of the lake (George’s Mills, 0.1m -7m). This data has been QAQC’d to remove obviously errant data and artifacts of buoy maintenance visits.